Dance Degrees
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance
The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance is a 132-Unit degree providing professional training that prepares dance artists to fully engage in and shape the field of dance. SDSU is one of only three universities in the CSU system to offer a BFA in Dance.

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance: Dance Education Concentration
The BFA in Dance with a Concentration in Dance Education is a 132-Unit degree that provides professional training that prepares dance artists to teach in the K-12 school system. Graduates of this program are prepared to enter the Dance Credential program in the School of Education at SDSU.

K-12 Single-Subject Credential in Dance
Offered in SDSU’s School of Teacher Education, the Single Subject Teaching Credential authorizes the holder to teach the specific subject(s) named on the credential in departmentalized classes, such as those in most middle schools and high schools, in grades preschool, K–12, or in classes organized primarily for adults.

Bachelor of Arts in Dance
The Bachelor of Arts in Dance is a 120-Unit Liberal Arts Degree with 40% of undergraduate coursework in Dance and 60% in other subjects. Great for students seeking an understanding of and intimate orientation to dance in relation to other areas of study.

Dance Minor
The Dance Minor is a robust, 24-unit experience designed to deepen students’ relationship to the personal, physical, social, and political aspects of dance. The Dance Minor can be tailored to individual students’ interests and abilities.